Aurora University — Opportunities for Global Study

Discover what it means to be a citizen of the world through AU Global.

AU Global provides exciting learning opportunities that lead to academic credit. Your experience begins in the classroom on the AU campus and ends with faculty-led travel to a new destination either in the United States or abroad.

We're excited to offer three types of travel courses in 2025:

  • Spring Semester: Bring your classroom learning to life by completing your spring module I coursework with a weeklong travel experience over spring break.
  • May Term: Take one additional course during the three weeks immediately following the spring semester and still have time for your summer job or traditional summer school classes.
  • Summer Term: Prepare for your trip and travel to your destination during summer module I.
Why participate in AU Global?
  • Immerse yourself in a particular culture or tradition.
  • Stay on track for graduation.
  • Complete general education courses.
  • Experience adventures, build friendships, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Spring Semester Travel Courses

SOC2280 Rome: History, Culture, and Society in the Eternal City

Travel Dates: March 3-10, 2025

Credit Hours: 4

Greg Goalwin, Associate Professor of Sociology
630-844-6518 |

View Course Information

HLS2880 Travel Medicine and Public Health: Exploring Global Health

Travel Dates: March 3-8, 2025

Credit Hours: 4

Mariem Hathout, Senior Lecturer of Health Science
630-844-5432 |

May Term Travel Courses

MTH1880 Math in Architecture and Art

Travel Dates: May 19-26, 2025

Credit Hours: 3

Ramona Baima, Senior Lecturer of Mathematics
630-844-5265 |

Gina Rahn, Chair and Associate Professor of Mathematics
630-844-5651 |

BUS4880 Travel Study in Business and Public Policy

Travel Dates: May 16-25, 2025

Credit Hours: 4

Shawn Green, Professor of Business and Marketing
630-844-5527 |

CRJ3880 International Crime and Justice: London

Travel Dates: May 16-25, 2025

Credit Hours: 4

Brandon Kooi, Professor of Criminal Justice

630-844-4236 |

Summer Term Travel Course

LTS2880 Economics, Culture, and Public Policy at the U.S.-Mexico Border

Travel Dates: June 20-27, 2025

Credit Hours: 4

Matt Dabros, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
630-844-7568 |

Eva Serrano, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Emeritus Dean of Latino/a Studies
630-844-6259 |

Ready to travel for credit in 2025? 

Interested students should:

  1. Meet with the instructor and secure permission.
  2. Review and sign Pre-Registration and Travel Pay Agreement forms.
  3. Submit the $500 deposit to Student Accounts by December 1, 2024.
  4. Register for the course on Self-Service.
  5. Pay the remaining balance by the course-specific deadline.

Questions? Please email them to

Cuba, 2024
Colorado, 2024
Europe, 2023